Travel Tryout & Player Selection Process
SPFHA is committed to Fairness and Transparency as the two key organizing principles that form the SPFHA’s annual Travel Tryout Sessions. The purpose of this document is to provide all involved with the necessary information to make the overall process clear and concise.
Permission To Skate Forms will not be signed / returned until the week of April 14th, 2025
**Link to Schedule will be posted in late March under Travel Tryout Tab on **
Start Date - April 21, 2025
COST- $80 TRAVEL TRYOUT PASS from RAMP, $60 TRAVEL TRYOUT PASS for all U11 players
- For April 2025, every player attending tryouts must register and purchase a 2025-26 Season Travel Tryout U1X Pass through RAMP. Goaltenders will have their own packages that need to be purchased (Goalie - 2025-26 Season Travel Tryout U1X Pass)
Ensure you use the same Email & Password that was used to register last season to log in.
- Open tryouts for all SPFHA travel teams will begin the week of April 21, 2025. Second/Third teams to follow if applicable.
The form must be signed by the OWHA association in which they played the prior season. Players coming from an OMHA association do not require this form. Players from SPFHA attending another center will require one to be signed as well from SPFHA. OMHA players do not require a PTS form.
- It is mandatory that players attend all tryout sessions, starting with the first team, in order to be eligible for a position on any team unless they received permission from the VP of Travel.
- Any player wishing to try out for a team above their proper age group is eligible for tryout only for the first team of the older level. Players wishing to play in a division above their age category must email the VP Travel of their intentions no later than 72 hours prior to the first tryout, to allow time for independent evaluation and approval of the Board. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Board. A $150 non-refundable fee will be charged for each assessment. Where a player is playing at a division higher than their age group, the player must be evaluated to be in the top 3 for forward position, top 2 for defense position or top goaltender.
- There will be multiple tryout sessions over several days in which to assess and evaluate the players in each division.
- In order to provide a level of anonymity during tryouts, players are given numbered bibs for the session. The evaluators are not given player’s names, however, we recognize that some evaluators and the head coaches may be aware who the players are. This is unavoidable, and despite efforts at anonymity, we acknowledge this as a limitation in the selection process.
- The player evaluations are property of the evaluators and will NOT be shared with anyone other than the Head Coach and the SPFHA Development Committee.
- The goal for each travel team is to carry 15 skaters and 2 goalies, unless approved otherwise by the SPFHA Board.
- Following each session, players will be directed to the Tryout page at the website, which will indicate whether they are to return for the next session.
- The designated head coach will be chiefly responsible for the selection of players for the team, with final approval from the SPFHA Board. Within reason, the SPFHA Development Committee will also make themselves available to answer parents/player questions or concerns about selections.
- When a team is selected and approval is finalized by the SPFHA Board, players will have 2 weeks to register for the upcoming season and pay the registration fee in full or installments as indicated.
If you have any questions regarding tryouts, please contact